HI! I’m Rachel Scott!

Doctor of Medical Science.

Always passionate about wellness, I have had a circuitous path toward where I am today. It started a long time ago at the University of Oregon, where I fell in love with Biology and Graduated with a Bachelors of Science degree. Always wanting to help people, and after several unfulfilling jobs, I decided to go back to school and between snowboarding sessions, obtained my nursing degree. I worked for 10 years as a nurse in just about every part of the hospital. I loved the job, but sustained a back injury at work, and found myself seeking healing. I found what I needed thru yoga, and delved deep into a yoga practice to repair my injury. Yoga did in fact provide the healing I was looking for and I became a certified yoga instructor, still teaching today, over twenty years after my first class. I started to get restless in my career as a nurse, and wanting more knowledge, and the ability to help more people, I went back to school again, obtaining my PAC and Masters of Medicine thru Stanford University and St. Francis University. Trained in the Primary Care program at Stanford University, I graduated in 2011. Since then I have worked in Internal Medicine in a small California town where I obtained my Doctorate through the University of Lynchburg. I am grateful for all of these experiences, as they have brought me to where I am today. Passionate about meeting my patients where they are, putting plans together, and helping them implement those plans, to acheive their health goals. I would like to help you to achieve your optimum health. Stay a while and look around. I am honored to serve you.

Teaching yoga to my VIP students

One role I didn’t mention about and central to my wellbeing is being a mother. Easily one of the most satisfying and most difficult hats that I wear. I believe firmly that we need to find balance in everything we do, if we are to maintain health and longevity. enjoy.

Music, Ali Farka Touré


learning balance and patience….

“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just…Start.” – Pema Chödrön